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1、nighty-night【释义】晚安【例句】Say nighty-night and kiss me. 道…


1、nighty-night【释义】晚安【例句】Say nighty-night and kiss me. 道声“晚安”并吻我。2、goodnight【释义】晚安,再见【例句】That’s always a good night at the club. 在夜总会你总能度过一个愉快的夜晚。扩展资料晚安的相关短语:1、晚安月亮 GoodnightMoon2、道晚安 goodnight;saygoodnight3、晚安各位 Goodeveningladiesandgentlemen;Goodnightladies;Goodnightyou4、晚安家居 goodnight5、晚安巾 good-nighttowel6、晚安岛 GoodnightIsland7、晚安中国 GoodnightinChina8、晚安祝福 GoodnightWish

早安 午安 晚安的英语

Good morning    Good afternoon    Good night



Good night. 晚安

Have a sound sleep. 睡个好觉

have a nice sleep! 睡个好觉

Have a sweet dream.做个好梦

Sweet dreams 做个好梦

Have a pleasant dreams 做个好梦

Don’t stay up too late 别熬得太晚了

Dont let the bedbugs bite 晚安